Issue 3
Wednesday, April 14th, 2004

Colonization: The new continent to the North (not to be mixed with the North West continent) has actually been discovered to effectively be South of the continent of Calenndor, though complex processes of navigation and cartography. The current sea-route used to get there involves going near Feanor's North Pole, and then up through the Southern Hemisphere.

Many private enterprises and adventuring companies have been plotting out various routes as to how to get to this new continent, which has been dubbed 'Maztica.' Posters and advertisements are springing up all over the city, calling all adventurers and those who seeks a frontier life to join into the colonization efforts, as Maztica has so far been deemed uninhabited.

Attention given to this topic is surprisingly large, and in fact, the first ship filled with colonists has already set off for Maztica, in hopes of establishing a first port city there.

How might you react?
-Foolhardy Explorers: This is very interesting - an entire new continent to explore? Sounds enticing. Even if you can't go, you should at least keep an eye out for what they find there.
-Ambivalent Adventurers: While the topic of exploring a new continent and it's possible treasures sounds enticing, it may be a bit too much to drop your life here and head off into what is apparently the middle of nowhere.
-Everyone Else: What the hell are these crazy people up to again?

The New Army: A few years ago, King Goridona VII promoted the current Lord Commander to his position as leader of the kingdom's army from his former position as Overseer of the Fighters' Guild. This event took place in the middle of a civil rebellion inside the city. After the revolt was put down, the king ordered the new commander to reorganize the army into a tactically efficient fighting force to defend the crown's power in future affairs.

Though the king has since then abdicated from the throne, the date is soon approaching for the Lord Commander to present to the queen an official account of all military forces in the kingdom and all amendments made since the revolt. Royal scribes are eager to reproduce portions of this tome for other officers of the state following the many new innovations incorporated into the army. One of the most interesting, however, is the rumor that scarhawks are being trained for mounted combat.

How might you react?
-Lawful-aligned Characters: A strong military is vital to maintaining order in the kingdom. The dark events of recent seem to be taking a turn for the better as a more powerful Ansteorra is emerging to fight those that would threaten her. This report should have quite an effect on the kingdom, and you’ll probably be more than eager to see it.
-Druids/Rangers: Although you aren't particularly interested in military matters, the addition of scarhawk riders to the army's arsenal presents an opportunity to lend your animal-handling skills to the soldiers of Ansteorra.
-Everyone Else: The many new additions to the army over the years are often the subject of rumors and conversation. Perhaps if you're able to find a copy of the report, you can confirm some of this.

Spring Festival: With the final subduing of cold weather and torrential rain within the kingdom, the time has come for the much-anticipated spring festival. Preparations can be seen throughout merchant shops and prominent households within the capital, and the various customary banners of spring are now hanging on the sides of the great keep. Soon, garden displays and a fantastic feast awaits the populace, as soon as great mages are consulted to prevent the occurrence of unpleasant weather on the upcoming day.

Within the coming weeks, travelers from the south have been arriving to escape the burning heat of spring and summer within the great jungles. Many of noble birth come to visit their Ansteorran townhouses and wait out the sweltering heat of their homeland. Migrations of wildlife also grace the great kingdom’s lands. As is anticipated every year, the migration of butterflies has returned color to the now-blossoming trees, and soon the royal gardens will be open to the public.

How might you react?
Nobles: Now’s your chance to show your family’s worth. As is common every year, social status changes during the spring festival, as each noble house does its best to upstage its peers. Perhaps now will be your chance to earn the respect you deserve.
Time to prepare for the best season for commerce! With the influx of travelers and the general joy caused by the festival’s arrival, sales for shops within the city have been historically high. You’ll need it, too, after dealing with the maintenance to your building from the harsh winter weather.
-Everyone Else: How wonderful! The festival is always celebrated with such a joyous zeal, and no citizen passes through the day without a smile. Surely this year will be no different, and there isn’t a better day to forget your worries and simply enjoy the merriment.

Rumblings in the Undercity: Reports have come in from many quarters of the Capital about strange lights and sounds being heard from the sewer grates and within the Ansteorran Undercity. Several harried citizens, after being dragged out from the sewer grates, have done nothing but babble incoherently during their treatment by the kingdom’s clerics. The history of the Undercity itself can be traced back for thousands of years, though the caverns and catacombs haven’t been truly used since the Lich King's assault on the kingdom two millennia ago. Since then, caves have been all but abandoned. Apparently, something might have taken advantage of that.

How might you react?
Criminal Underground: You aren't alone down there. And perhaps you should keep an eye out.
-Everyone: Something in the sewers? Perhaps you should be a bit more careful when you sit near a sewer grate.

Lost Smokepowder: A group of dwarves seem to have made their way into town, complaining to the local authorities that a shipment of smokepowder they were carrying into town was stolen by a group of brigands somewhere to the north. The authorities have done little so far to help the dwarves, who now are growing angrier by the day.

How might you react?
-Criminal Underground: Bandits stealing smokepowder? That would be something useful to get a hold of. Perhaps the bandits could be contacted through your connections in the underground.
-Authorities: While little can be done to retrieve the smokepowder, a group of insulted dwarves may harm trade. This is not good, and more security in our lands is certainly required.
-Everyone Else: Perhaps a little more caution when traveling out of town wouldn’t be too far out of line here.

Stray Kobold: Word is going round that a kobold dressed in exotic clothing has been showing up in town, attempting to trade what he calls 'shiny ones' (which are in reality, blocks of silver and gold) for raw apples and other fruit. He seems to love them, and many storekeeps are swindling the naive kobold in order to get rich quick. The creature himself is obviously unaware of this. Attempts to confront the creature have been frustrated by its erratic nature, and apparently he appears only at night.

How might you react?
-Kindly Inclined: This is horrible! You'd better tell as many people as you can to try to help the poor fellow invest his money properly.

-Rogues: What are you waiting for? Why not get some of this stupid kobold's gold too!

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